Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Adventures in Germany Part 1

Well I made it safely. Yesterday was the LONGEST day EVER! I had to switch planes twice. It was pretty exhausting. But I made it and my friends came to the airport and picked me up. I am staying with my friend Gülcin in her apartment right now. I have been remembering a lot of German and relearning some. My friends have been really great with letting me speak English with them. I think they enjoy getting to speak English too, although only one of my friends speaks it with me. Most of them speak only German. It is funny too, because I am starting to think in German again.It is freezing here! I am going to have to buy a coat, especially since it is going to be freezing down where I am going. There is lots of skiing where I will be.

Today we went to a city called Neuss and had coffee with my friend Britta. Then we went into the city and I got a phone card. I will have a cell phone in Deutschland. You guys can call me if you want, I will let you know what the number is and you can text me too! It is not that expensive. And I had total favor with the phone card. My friend Lisa had a friend who worked at the phone place and he gave it to me for free. That was so nice! I miss everyone but I am having a wonderful time. I will be heading down south to Bavaria on April 5th to the school. Everyone keep in touch and much love! If it takes awhile for me to get back to you, please be patient with me. I can only check my email sporadically right now. Once I get to the school, I will have internet all the time. I love you all! Bis später! (Until Later)

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