Thursday, April 17, 2008

number 3

So here is just a little update about what’s been going on with me. It has been a crazy couple of weeks. I didn’t have internet for the first week. Something was wrong with it at the school. So this week has been the first one that I could catch up on all the emails. Even though we had internet, like I said before it has been CRAZY! We have so much stuff due. We have to do weekly journals, book reports and we have to preach in chapel. On top of that, everyone and their mom wants a hair cut, because there is no hair stylist in this small village or the castle. So around 50 people haven’t had hair cuts in a long time! I did 6 people last Saturday.
And then of course I have to prepare for worship at times. I sang and led this morning for our DTS class. It is quite interesting leading worship here. It’s totally different here than it is at home. At home it is a lot more structured and flows more together. Here, there are all these pauses in between, and we didn’t even practice one song before we did it. So I am learning a lot about worship. It’s interesting, I think that this has taught me about being still before God. I always feel as if I have to fill every silence, but I think that it is amazing to stop the music and be still at least in the setting that I am in. I don’t know if that’s always a good thing for corporate worship, especially if unchurched people are involved.
So a little bit about what it’s like here. I walked in the first day kind of expecting a bunker and I walked into this huge room with wood floors and wood vaulted ceilings. My bed is over by the huge windows that have shutters that open out. It’s exactly the bed that I would have picked. I felt like I was in a dream. So the next morning I wake up and it is snowing lightly outside the windows. I seriously felt like a princess! The only thing that I have struggled with is getting used to sharing a room with 7 other girls. We have this one girl who wakes up at 6 or earlier no matter what day. So last Saturday, suffice it to say that I was a little angry to be woken up so early! In her defense, it is really hard to be quiet here because everything is wood. It has been so cold here!! I guess I’ve been living in Florida for too long. I usually love the cold, but it’s even cold when you come inside, so I feel as if I can’t get warm. Oh well, it should warm up soon. It’s crazy to be so cold in April!
The other night was really cool. We had Bavarian Night. They served pretzels and weisswurst, for those of you know what that is, it was really good! And they served apple juice with bubbles in these big beer glasses. It was really fun. Some people dressed up in true Bavarian clothes. It was a lot of fun.
I have met a few Americans here who are really sweet. I am glad. Sometimes it’s really hard to be here and hear only German spoken. I’m the only native English speaker in my class. Let’s just say they don’t always get my jokes! =) It is really cool though that everyone is from so many different places. We have people from all over Germany, Ethiopia, Switzerland, Italy and Brazil, and then there’s me the lone American! We have such a great group of people though. There’s one young guy who reminds me so much of Zach. I feel like the protective older sister. It’s really fun. Our castle cleaning duty is to clean up in the kitchen after lunch. We always joke around saying it’s the funnest part of the day, and we make a lot of noise! The other day we had a marker fight. It’s like I have a little brother.
I am doing really good. I know that I am in the right place. God is in control and I am really excited to be here.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Adventures in Germany Part 2

Hello EVERYONE! What's going on? I have been having some good days and some bad days. Here is a good piece of news, I finally figured out how to work my adaptor, here is some bad news, my chi flat iron doesn't work here!!! AGGHH! I was so mad today, I went to use it and it wouldn't even turn on, and then I almost cried because I thought that i had broken it, so we went searching online and found that the chi's don't work outside of the US and Canada. I am never buying a chi flat iron AGAIN! So I guess I'm going all natural! =)

I went to trade my travelers checks in (by the way, no one in Germany takes travelers checks, so don't bring them here!) and the first bank I went to, you couldn't trade them, so we went to the "Stadtsparkasse" and waited FOREVER in line and then they said yes you can trade them here, so the man told me to start signing and he went in the back, when he came back I was about to finish signing the last one and he tells me to stop, that he needs the receipt (which by the way they tell you not to keep with your travelers checks). The receipt however was in my HUGE suitcase that I left in Moenchengladbach. So I signed all of these travelers checks and couldn't cash them ANYWHERE! I don't need to tell you that I did not feel any goodwill towards this man! But we worked it out, and soon I will get my credit card, which is by the way another CRAZY story.

So here is some good stuff that has happened. I have been staying with my friend Melanie in Aachen. She is a good friend that I have known for about 7 years. I see her every couple of years, and we have so much fun together. Yesterday we went to Deal or No Deal Deutschland. I was on TV in Germany! It was so cool. Today I did Melanie's hair and her roommates hair. It was a lot of fun.

On Sunday, I went to a soccer game, it was CRAZY! I'm putting the pics up on myspace so check them out, it was cool. They have all these songs they sing and EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE sings them loudly together. It was a lot of fun. Especially when Moenchengladbach scored a goal in the last couple of minutes. The crowd went WILD! They almost pushed me down. But it was sooo much fun.

Today which is Wednesday, we met my friend Peter at his house and then went to a Carnival called a Kirmes, it was so much fun.

So I am having fun. On Saturday at around 9 AM I will be going on the train to Hurlach where my DTS is. It is a 5 hour train ride so I'm making sure my Zune is all charged up and I have my magazine still to read (thank you Terri, you are the best!!) Be praying for me. I love all of you! TSCHUSS!

Adventures in Germany Part 1

Well I made it safely. Yesterday was the LONGEST day EVER! I had to switch planes twice. It was pretty exhausting. But I made it and my friends came to the airport and picked me up. I am staying with my friend Gülcin in her apartment right now. I have been remembering a lot of German and relearning some. My friends have been really great with letting me speak English with them. I think they enjoy getting to speak English too, although only one of my friends speaks it with me. Most of them speak only German. It is funny too, because I am starting to think in German again.It is freezing here! I am going to have to buy a coat, especially since it is going to be freezing down where I am going. There is lots of skiing where I will be.

Today we went to a city called Neuss and had coffee with my friend Britta. Then we went into the city and I got a phone card. I will have a cell phone in Deutschland. You guys can call me if you want, I will let you know what the number is and you can text me too! It is not that expensive. And I had total favor with the phone card. My friend Lisa had a friend who worked at the phone place and he gave it to me for free. That was so nice! I miss everyone but I am having a wonderful time. I will be heading down south to Bavaria on April 5th to the school. Everyone keep in touch and much love! If it takes awhile for me to get back to you, please be patient with me. I can only check my email sporadically right now. Once I get to the school, I will have internet all the time. I love you all! Bis später! (Until Later)